Day 1
Those are the moments when we can literally sleep in the songs that we sing, the music we listen to takes us away from the places of trouble and the faces of danger. When you look around, at that point we are being successful, we are at the places that we want to be at, we talk to the people we are talking to and with the words we want to say. Even though there is much for to learn, we are not bothered by that because it all seems distant and much of it we can do without. In this state of bliss we are virgins in many ways, uncorrupted and yes, we are the elements of purification. We know that there is a treasure on the inside of us, an element the world is yet to see, and when they see they will marvel. Our dreams are building and our ambitions are with energy. Yes we are the people to say yes to.
Day 2
We begin to realize that we need to learn what is lacking. We are now stretching out to be better, our comfort zones are still comfortable but we are predicting what may result if we stay there longer. We have some sort of stability and we are using it to advance. We are unlimited and we can quietly ignore the advice of the cynics and those that don’t understand us. We keep a small group of believers around us, they know the secret we posses and we let them in on it. The future is still bright and we are going places. We are unhampered by the troubles of false and useless desires, we are aware of where we are going and we are determined to get there no matter what. At this point we learn to hold on to a power greater than us, we rely on that power very frequently and we are helpless without that. We are looking into eternity and it is within our grasp, yes we are on a march and we are getting there.
Day 3
Life is too short. We begin to realize the things we have closed our eyes to. Some of the useless desires are now useful because they now fall into our greater plan; they are to be converted to usefulness in a way that will help our march to eternity be more meaningful. On this day we are realizing that we have principles and beliefs, they are part of us and we are part of them, they are what has made us outstanding and different. We are slowly realizing that we are an inspiration to many and they too are realizing that. However we begin to discover anew, things that we now want, we allow ourselves moments to be attracted to that which we earlier thought was not relevant. Of course we are careful, we only let into our lives that which helps us to get where we are supposed to get. We are helping others and they are learning from us. We are pillars to many and we are selling ourselves to causes bigger than us and we are loving that, it’s making each moment count and we are in the center of life. Morning and evening are moments to share ourselves, we believe our lives are worth sharing.
Day 4
A change in weather. We realize that some of the attractions we let into our lives were to our detriment. We have moments of doubt, but we also know that we have come a long way and will not just turn from our beliefs. Our commitment is being tested our strength is being measured and we are to prove that we can make it weak and strong. We are being threatened by the ghosts of the victims we triumphed over, and the demons that we long avoided. We begin to reach to those that looked to us and even though we do not tell them what we see in the dark we let them know that we need their support. Our invincibility is diminishing and we know it.
Day 5
Most of us. We begin to realize that most of who we are is longing for the things that we once hated the most. The slow fade has accumulated and we are now helpless. We have gone down a slope that we find it hard not only to climb up but to even want to climb up. In those moments, we realize that what we casually let into us has eaten most of who we were and has replaced us with an ugly passion. Our strength to say no has gone out and we desire more to abandon ourselves than to fight for who we are. Its sometimes scary to realize that we have embraced a strange ugliness and discarded a sweet beauty. We are finding new definitions for what was once wrong and what was once right. We are walking a deathly road with pleasure.
Day 6
Awakening. We begin to realize that we are lost, that we need to get up to the fight and we need to see like we used to. That is when we step to the fight, not for souls, but for our own. Every effort we can pour out we pour to this fight and even though many times the strange ugliness shows the sweetness of its familiarity, we are not discouraged. Falling is not the measure of who we are, we make the slow short steps and we are optimistic that we are going to make it. This is a time of realizing that ours is a God of Grace and Love, we embrace Him, not just for our weaknesses but for the love He has proved to have toward us. Finally we are determined to fight the demons, and we are no longer scared by the ghosts. Our seven days are coming to a good fill and even though we lost our way along the journey, we were not lost by the one who loves us the most. Then we are realizing that while we celebrated error and while we feared for the state of our hearts, His Love was not far, in fact it’s for His Love that we feared and it’s for His love that we are about to discard all those fears.
Day 7
Amazing Grace. This is the end of my weak. I have some times looked at myself in the mirror and wondered which I was, a saint or a wretched sinner. I have felt my heart get stolen by the evils that I once shunned and I have participated in the unspeakable and yet felt no shame, no shock and no surprise. But this I have learnt, God’s Love is longer than all my days, and that only a fallen man will appreciate the Love of God when he finally stands on his feet again in that Love. That the fallen are not to be discarded, but to be helped to see the Love of God.
We begin to realize that the good fight of Faith is indeed a fight and that we are called to be the keepers of each other not only when they are standing or interested in standing, but also when they are not interested at all. We are, after all, the Light of the world.
To all that have had this week, God loves you and no matter which day of the week you are at, His love will never let you go and when you are in that ditch, He desires to renew you in the newness that is only in Christ and the Life that is only in His Light.
From me, I love you, I love you all.