Thursday, June 16, 2011
Short Notes On Suicide
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The State Against The Nation
The State Or The Nation
The State Of God
Monday, April 11, 2011
Binding Sport
We may struggle with choosing which road to walk, we may wrestle with the right ways some times, but don’t we run with all that is in us when we find that worthy road upon which to place our feet? Yes we do.
There is a thin line between living and leaving for while we live our lives we are gradually leaving this very life that we so enjoy and dread. We are each like a torch in the dark of another life, every decision we are entrusted to make and every step that we are guaranteed to make will be evaluated and scrutinised in the life of another. The challenges we have been faced living on our inside, searching our very selves for what is and what is not, have been brought upon us largely by the neglect of the many that have gone ahead of us to be the light that we so much needed.
Each life leaves a trail, is a trail for another life to not only leave a trail but to create a road and the life after that to build a highway. We have been designed with special abilities to help others leave better and higher. But most of us hardly think about all these things. We live our lives in such a way that we totally ignore our responsibility to the future. Fathers have resorted to many evils that they have not realised that when their children are fully grown themselves, they will be evil itself. Mothers have deserted homes and families in pursuit of that which will soon be forgotten or remembered for the wrong it has done.
But instead of pointing fingers, we need to point out both what our wrongs have been and what the right road ought to lead us to. We owe a responsibility to the young, a responsibility that was not honoured by those that owed it to us. We are in this case the victims of what was not for us. But imagine a world where everyone discovers all the steps for themselves; imagine the pain to which we are releasing our children. We each need to realise that while we are without the ability to live for ever, we can help those others we leave behind to get further than we have.
When we set out to a venture, we need to realise that while we aim at it for our profit, we give it the life that will carry others ahead of us. That is why we need to pick our ventures wisely and to realise those on the side that may be looking to us for that future.
This is what binds us to the past and to the future, the ability to let ourselves help others, not only for today and not only with our material, but with our very being and for the long future. We need to live our lives in such a way that those that look at us, will not only admire what we have done and who we are but that they will wish that all that know and all that they get to know will live those kind of lives, or even better. In each of us, is a bar, a mark or what greatness is and a definition of better things to come. Our responsibility and the sport of our lives, is not just to live it, but to invite others to live like we have and to make sure that they actually invite others.
We are not to simply share our material, but the quality of our lives, and to guard that quality to with all we are, only to improve it for those that will need to find the way later on.