Thursday, April 28, 2011

The State Against The Nation

It’s hard to grow up in a home where the father is the symbol of all terror, both to the children and the mother that chose him and gave him all these privileges that he has finally disregarded.  I was not raised in a home with parents, but I saw such homes and wondered how the children ever lived to it. But now that I am older, my sympathies go out to the women who chose such men, who forsook the advice of many other loving and loved ones to believe and cling to the man’s word. We could call them fools but love has reasons of its own and we are never wrong for having faith in our decisions and that things are going to get better, or that we are right. Faith like that should never be scolded even when we are definitely heading in the wrong direction or there would be no reason for person will. 

So they find themselves in a miserable corner and they are making all these vows and promises to do and never to do and yet in reality, the more the make such vows, the more the hurt each other but themselves and the children more. Some have got out of such marriages, but many are trapped by this life long commitment and by the desire to raise their children in a home, even though where they find themselves at the moment is far from home. I speak for women but we need to know that there are also men that have tried to bring the world home to a rebellious woman, one who only wants death for the marriage. A whore in her intentions and deeds, those men have suffered brutally, because the failed when they did their best and when they sought to get better but were not helped at all. 

But how do we reconcile the determination to withhold that which should help all get better, how do we advise one to save that which they once sought after so passionately to feed themselves in the time of drought and famine when the food is availed? I think there is no way of getting that out well. The man that was supposed to hold and cherish finally bruises and tears, the wife that was supposed to cushion and curdle begins to crush and grind. We see that in our societies, we have been victims of good intentions crushed or the very people that have crushed the other’s good intentions. The point is we hide ourselves far below the surface and we put those that we chose and that chose us to the impossible task of finding us and locating us form beneath the rubble of pain and greed that we lay.

We each have turned into a time bomb, unwilling to unveil ourselves, thinking that we are protecting ourselves and yet we are creating better grounds to destroy ourselves. We all can only persist for a while because persistence has a purpose and while the purpose persists in not coming forth, defeat is bound to happen. The nation gives its sons and daughters the liberty to form a state and take care of the nation, but because they have deep conceited motives that may not favour the nation, they abuse that right with terror and treachery.  What was meant to be the state and the nation becomes the state against the nations.

We are all bleeding, all of us that have been betrayed, and this union is beginning to feel so virtual that many of us fail to realise it. The wives are walking out and leaving the children to the fangs of time and that is the story of our union. We have taken it and turned against each other, some more vicious that the other and when the nose is squeezed so hard, it finally bleeds. To all the couples that have turned against each other, to the individuals so eager to hide themselves, we have this one opportunity to meet and talk like grown ups, to realise that there is not shame in expressing our fears and interests and to be faithful to our union and to each other.

The State Or The Nation

When couples first get married, there is this strong commitment to the other person, the undying love and commitment which make the absence of the other person an obvious death warrant. They go on making the commitment to each other and making all these promises that are supposed to stretch through the entire future no matter what the prevailing climate may be. They call  it their song of and for love and we all dare not bother their happiness a happiness that leads them into a union or an institution that is supposed to bind them with all their dreams , expectations and so on, for ever; marriage.

They do well,   and I applaud them. The challenge in this is that while commitment is made to either party, almost none is made to the institution into which they are throwing themselves into. Almost none is made to the marriage they are getting in to. While they promise to treat each other well and to cherish each other, they do not at the back of their minds, promise to cherish and protect their marriage. Most are only awakened to the marriage when they already feel like getting away from the other person and therefore the marriage. Couples are then forced to choose between the marriage and the partner they are in it with. I think this is such a terrible choice to make and one that makes the boundaries difficult to draw.
They chose each other, and they determined to walk together and now that they are seated at opposite ends of the same table, they realise that they did not choose the marriage, they thought they did, but they did not, they only chose each other. The trauma is not only in all the pain they are feeling right now, but in the small mistake they made when they failed to chose the marriage as well.

Each once in five years the state comes to us and they ask us to choose them, they make all these promises and apologies for all the times they did not see us as they had to. By that time we have all tested the union and come to our conclusions. They take all the resources they should have used over a period of five years to make us better and pour them on us in just a few months. The reality is that they are not even pouring that money on us, they are pouring it on themselves once again. Some would call them greedy idiots but in reality, they are more than that. They are people that have chosen themselves over the nation and they are asking the nation to choose them over itself. 

We all soon realise that this choosing is not fair at all and therefore some us attempt to choose else where. But they will tell us that this is infidelity and they vow to save us the embarrassment. They will make sure that they choose for us, they will bend our will and corrupt those that are weak at heart. They will blind us with fake diamonds and fake certificates of marriage. They will instruct the marriage counsellors and the officials officiating the wedding that things have to be a certain way, theirs.

My fear is domestic violence, when one spouse so neglects the other and the commitment the both or one of them realises that they made, the other spouse is sent into a corner of error. This union has got to be made and kept by both; it’s not just a commitment to one another, but the union into which they both get.
In all our choosing, I pray that we all choose the union above the other party and that the freedom to check where we stand together is protected always and by all.

The State Of God

Most of us have been raised with a desire to feel one with God, that or a power that is greater than us, one that is the determinant of what is right and what is wrong. We have been taught that to be one with this power or with God, it to be entirely right and chosen. And that teaching is okay. Then we have been led in the ways that will ensure that we are one with God. Children are taught to go to their family places of worship, read the holy book, pray and endeavour to always do right. And when we grow up, we all strive to keep these practices so that we shall keep this feeling of oneness with God, in fact we even lead our little ones in the same patterns and we frown, even though not strongly, at those that do not attempt to follow this pattern of deeds.
The result of this is that we help in creating the confusion of life today. We are free to do the deeds that make us feel and the deeds that make us not feel like. As long as we pay our conscience’s debt we remain free to become debtors again. What they did not tell us, is that being one with God is not in the deeds that we are taught to walk after, its is in itself a state, you are either one with Him or not. The deeds that they so laboured to teach us should spring from a deep realisation of who we are in relation to this God, that we are not actually paying any debt, but doing ourselves a favour to grow in this oneness with Him.
We walk in the ways that He sets for us, and we walk in them fully, we abandon the liberty to walk any other way and stand to only reflect our oneness with Him at all times. We are bound to make mistakes, but they will not always be the choice and desire of our being and that is why we stand to repent and turn away from them, or keep fighting until we have managed to be steered away from those wrong walks of life. If we are the people of God, it will show in our strongest times and those deemed weakest, in our falling and rising because He is with us.
The states and the leaders of those states have fallen victim of this wrong teaching in up bringing. They have been taught to swear by the holy books, to invite the religious leaders at public and private functions, to make appearances at the places of worship and to humble themselves for a word of prayer. And when the religious leaders show up for their mistaken shows, they naturally assume that since they are one with the representatives of God, they are one with God. They are then released to err like they previously did. While they carry foreign names that signify faith, they are indeed more inclined to their local names that signify the opposite.
Then we ask ourselves, who is it to blame, the men that put the phrase, ‘Oh Uganda, May God Uphold Thee...’ or we that have sung it without thought of what we are doing. We who have cheered our leaders as they walked from witch to witch and flashed their symbols before the mad crowds? The answer to this question may not come today, but we all have decisions to make. We are to realise that we are either with God or not and as such so is our state. If we lead our lives in the ways that will cause us to repent, ways that will make us uncertain of our place in heaven or hell, we are sure to let leaders of the same uncertainty to lead us.
Instead of asking questions, let us acknowledge that we have fallen far from the intentions of the teachings of our parents and as such, our leaders too have. We all may purport to be the people and state of God, and yet we have abandoned Him and everything He stands for. He does not call us to try our best but to do His will and that we can only do when we are with Him, when we chose to be with Him. For God and My Country.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Binding Sport

We may struggle with choosing which road to walk, we may wrestle with the right ways some times, but don’t we run with all that is in us when we find that worthy road upon which to place our feet? Yes we do.

There is a thin line between living and leaving for while we live our lives we are gradually leaving this very life that we so enjoy and dread. We are each like a torch in the dark of another life, every decision we are entrusted to make and every step that we are guaranteed to make will be evaluated and scrutinised in the life of another. The challenges we have been faced living on our inside, searching our very selves for what is and what is not, have been brought upon us largely by the neglect of the many that have gone ahead of us to be the light that we so much needed.

Each life leaves a trail, is a trail for another life to not only leave a trail but to create a road and the life after that to build a highway. We have been designed with special abilities to help others leave better and higher. But most of us hardly think about all these things. We live our lives in such a way that we totally ignore our responsibility to the future. Fathers have resorted to many evils that they have not realised that when their children are fully grown themselves, they will be evil itself. Mothers have deserted homes and families in pursuit of that which will soon be forgotten or remembered for the wrong it has done.

But instead of pointing fingers, we need to point out both what our wrongs have been and what the right road ought to lead us to. We owe a responsibility to the young, a responsibility that was not honoured by those that owed it to us. We are in this case the victims of what was not for us. But imagine a world where everyone discovers all the steps for themselves; imagine the pain to which we are releasing our children. We each need to realise that while we are without the ability to live for ever, we can help those others we leave behind to get further than we have.

When we set out to a venture, we need to realise that while we aim at it for our profit, we give it the life that will carry others ahead of us. That is why we need to pick our ventures wisely and to realise those on the side that may be looking to us for that future.

This is what binds us to the past and to the future, the ability to let ourselves help others, not only for today and not only with our material, but with our very being and for the long future. We need to live our lives in such a way that those that look at us, will not only admire what we have done and who we are but that they will wish that all that know and all that they get to know will live those kind of lives, or even better. In each of us, is a bar, a mark or what greatness is and a definition of better things to come. Our responsibility and the sport of our lives, is not just to live it, but to invite others to live like we have and to make sure that they actually invite others.

We are not to simply share our material, but the quality of our lives, and to guard that quality to with all we are, only to improve it for those that will need to find the way later on.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The conflict of individuality has been alive for as long as we humans have been here, may be it was less when there were only two but with the increase in humans, the growth of time, we have definitely experienced it more and more. We have gazed at wars and wondered whether they were warranted and pages of history will reveal that most of the human conflict could have been averted with the shaking of hands. We have witnessed many times such an act bring wars and conflict to an end and wondered why it had to be performed many rivers of blood later. In truth, even the ones that have claimed to have our interests at heart have put theirs first, those that stood to lead us into the next age of growth have put their ambition before ours, in fact they have presented their ambition as the only ambition worth pursuing. Some of us have desired to stand on the side and sort the truth out, but the movement into the next better future went so fast that to stand on the side was to oppose this quick progress.

We have emphasised our greatness and our ambition ahead of that of the individual. Our society places loyalty and commitment far above the individual. There is a certain tension that develops when we align ourselves with certain other individuals, when we seek to form teams and groups. Many times we are expected to place the goals and dreams of the group far above our own; we are expected to take on a new heart and to trade our own in return. This process of heart replacement is a very complicated one. The demands that are placed upon the individual with no regard to the individual will eventually cast the individual back to their self cantered ways. How were we expected to be a group of individuals with no individual identity, some sort of heart beat that only we can posses and relate to?

This lie has consumed many great societies and not the societies only, but the individuals that also once comprised those very societies. Any union between humans should firstly seek to uphold the individual and then that of union, our individuality can never be denied even when we take on the greatest of human unions. When we urge people to get lost in this oneness that we strive so hard to create, we proclaim unto that oneness a quick death. There is simply no us without the I. The commitment by all to uphold the interests of the other above those of the group will not only serve to reduce on the human selfishness but will eventually release many to uphold the dreams of the group or union. It is a continual search for the hearts of men, for what makes them all come to life.

The individual has got to be spoken to from the heart, all the other attempts to make sense will eventually fail because sense can be disproved but a conviction will always scream. The husband that seeks to identify the desires of his wife far above those of the marriage has already taken care of the marriage unless of course his wife was never in the marriage in the first place. We go on telling ourselves the lie that all we need is union and yet in reality what we need is a clear understanding of the hearts of men and an open invitation of all to find a place for their hearts in the cause that we all seek to be a part of. All that seek to walk together have to firstly agree and agreeing is a process of revealing the hearts of those involved.

But we are strange beings; we would rather be lied to. We search for the truth in every lie and when we find the truth we seek for the lie in it. So we shall go on trying to beat all in line, trying so hard to ignore that our greatest task is not to foster unity but to understand the individual and seek to help the individual become the best they can be. The listening heart will always be the most inviting one.