Monday, August 18, 2008

The Wave

Over the last few years we have watched in silence as the world was taking on a new shape and taking on new inventions. We have sat as if in silence, watching, but it is changing again. A while back I listened to Rubibi Emmanuel and Kalule Robert talk and I realized that something is happening that many of us should be aware of us.

The Book Of Ezra:
I was doing research in the book of Ezra and God proved something to me. Like in that time today we are involved in a kind of building of God’s house. The land is dry and barren but this is the kind of land that we are called to. We, I mean you and I. the hungry are many, poverty rampant, violence and sin all the darkness we are to flash out with the light in us. Every Christian is called at this point to begin to realize there position in this work. Every thing we do today is a contribution to that building, or should it be, has the potential of doing so.

We are called to realize that our live are bigger than our needs, immediate needs; our aspirations have to go beyond ourselves as we focus on the kingdom. Don’t get me wrong, this does not mean that we abandon the immediate responsibilities, but we realize there position in the big picture. As we do this we shall realize that we have a mandate that makes us partners with the one who has given the assignment.

The Connection;
You will realize that right in your heart is a dream, one at least that goes beyond you. An aspiration that has your adrenaline rise and yet you try so much to calm your self down. Fear never lets you break away from this poverty mindset. The kind of thinking that has you believing that you are only here for yourself and that God is not passionate about your aspirations and dreams.

Those aspirations are right from the heart of God, His heart beat. You share it coz from that day He wrote His laws on your heart. Gave you his desires, shared with you His thumb print and that was and still is His delight. God wants to share Himself with you more each day, that is His desire, but many of us shun it in fear of what may be and what may not. In this garden He is looking for sons that will take initiative and look at things straight.

The Perspective;
We are not responding in fear but in love. God speaks to us through our own desires and not fears. So you are asking, what if the desires are evil? And I ask back, what is evil doing in light, in the righteousness of God. here is the point, instead of looking for the evil in you look for the good in you, it is more rewarding to look at the results of the finished works of Christ than to look at what He was working on.

We are not competing or trying to prove a point to the world. That too is not our concern. We are simply enjoying the partnership with God; we are making use of the lot that is freely given to us. Our delight is in seeing that we are actually experiencing the fullness of God in all that we do, in all that we are putting effort to.

The Realizations;
We have also realized that we are evangelizing, with every shilling we earn we see more souls come into the kingdom. Our work is an act of service and prayer to God, we worship Him in the prayer room and in the board room. We cannot separate our salvation from all that we do.
We are inseparable and our practice is a going concern.

The Responsibility;
We are the kind that was birthed into responsibility. If you can find one thing to
complain about, you have found a responsibility. From dirty streets, rape, poverty.
hunger, corruption and many more. Those are our responsibilities and those are what we
are supposed to take care of. Some of it will call for a lot of money and all of it will call
for prayer. We all are responsible for it all. Some Christians are so scared of sin, they are building there righteousness and they are keeping away from the responsibility. They believe God for billions to carry on God’s work and yet they are not willing to undertake projects, businesses, and organizations that will see that kind of money come to them. They have not seen the possibility of success because they are scared of prospering in all aspects of life. To theme success and fame are worldly. But they complain about corruption and poverty.

I wonder which is worse. God has given us a responsibility and yet we keep giving it back to Him. WE keep giving our politics out to Him after He says I give you the politics and economics. I here the prayer, ‘God we put our leaders in your hands,’ as we do that we should also pray that we take the politics up, thank Him for the education system that He has put in our hands, that we are to posses.

The Legislations;
Like in the times of Ezra, God is using the ungodly to deliver the resources that are required of us to accomplish the building of the house. They are going to give the gold and the rest we need to accomplish the works of God in this time. Get me right again, laws will change, standards are changing and they will favor the Christians of this time. This is simply because we are the only ones who can combine excellence with honesty. We will benefit greatly from that but not if we don’t take the time to position ourselves today.

The Position;
Peter positioned himself to do exploits when he stepped out of the boat. He walked on the water and God is asking us to do just the same today. Believe that our dreams will come true. Start today to work on them to believe in them. Don’t take anything you have today for granted, dreams, higher education, a stable marriage , a church you are starting and so many. If you realize your responsibility in this time you will know that this generation needs you, the world needs you. That is why you pray as a priest and you decree like the king Christ paid so expensively to make you.

The things that the gospel calls for require of us to give ourselves, in prayer as well as in business. We need to see churches equipping the saints to go and subdue the world of corruption as they reign in wealth, in honesty. The saints need to know that they are not just for themselves. That their dollars are useful in building fully equipped hospitals. But they need to know that money cannot transform a life though it can touch a life.

We are moving toward Christians that will see the blind eyes open yet at the same time they build the hospital, fully equipped. They will operate in the gifts of the Spirit and the fruits yet they will have the monetary power to influence decisions and they will be well positioned to influence policy. You are part of this movement and you have a role to play. Pray, and I mean pray. When you discover the area of direct commission pray for those changes you want to happen. Make it global and not just your country.

The Mathematics;
Ten years from now, the people you know will be major decision maker. Position yourself to take advantage of that. They will need a leader with achievements, integrity and the Spirit of God in them. You are that leader, but you need to realize it now. Stop thinking problems and lack, think provision and Kingdom. We are establishing the Kingdom of God on the crusade ground and in the children home, in political offices and many more. We are going to be there, believe with me and speak that constantly in the days God gives you. Don’t just place the day in His hands, it’s a gift from Him, work through it with Him, pray through it with His word.

Simply Put;
God is counting on you.

Our Role;
Pray and I mean pray, Paul calls it travailing. It will calls for fasts hour in the night of prayer and a lot of God’s word at play. The Spirit of God too will have to be your partner. The wisdom and resources are given, use them. It may seem like you have little but if you choose multiply them now and to value them now, more will be added. If it’s a job ,be the best, school, higher education, business, Local council politics, simply be the best because our time of promotions is here.

As I write this am thinking of friends of mine, Kalule Robert, Kiiza Isaac, Elizabeth Dambya, George Oyite, Sembatya Edirisa, Kiconco Patience, Rubibi Emmanuel, Nalweyiso Easter and many more. They should know they are important right in this time..

Believe with me.

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