Friday, April 13, 2012

Coin Worth

When we walk across a coin on the market place ground we rarely think of the many options that could have led to its falling so far from its previous owner. A torn pocket, angry owner, theft attempt and many others could be some of the reasons as to why a coin of any value would belong to no one at any point.
Value is lost all the time, some thrown away, some dropped like that coin, corroded over time or even simply discarded by those that once held it. When any value is to be lost, the assumption is that those that have lost it have little knowledge of its worth even when they allege that they examined all corners and there was no worth left for them.

Broken Cisterns:
 When we encounter a person that boasts knowledge and yet that knowledge has not benefited them, we are safe to say that even when there is value in that knowledge, by viewing it in a certain way, that value remains hidden. Many people will go to great lengths to create an atmosphere that exempts them from certain responsibilities, they will define reality differently and they will assume that change will come thus.
What often needs to be done is a constant abstinence from twisting the facts to suit our current needs. What is needed is the courage to face ourselves for who we truly are especially when we have fallen from where we once gloried. When we know as we ought to know, then there is hope that we shall get better.
True worth is not in what we know, but in how accurate we know it. It should never be the case that the knowledge we have created for ourselves is in fact a lie whose mission is to keep us safely blind to the reality.

Empty Vases:
There are some of us that have chosen to hide behind shadows. It seems to be the trend today that we should seek to find our true worth out there and never pause to look within, to find if our deeds are not efforts to blind us from what we have become.
 When we refuse to help ourselves get better and assume that by devoting to a worthy cause or by portraying the picture of a good person, what lies deep within will be cleansed, we only lie to ourselves. What life can touch another when it has failed to be touched or to allow itself to be touched?
When we choose to ignore this responsibility to ourselves, we shall soon realize that while we sought to free others; we enslaved them to our own emptiness and yet did not aid ourselves.
There is an order to everything and that includes living. Our first responsibility is to ourselves because the more we realize our worth the easier it will be for us to realize and even enhance that of others. We could hide behind warm hugs when our hearts are cold or we could find a way to connect and correct our hearts.

Mashed Potatoes:
Life will have all its seasons attended to and none of us can surely guard against those seasons we detest or attract only those seasons we adore. It will come to all of us. The task at hand is to determine what positions we shall take during each season.
Tough decisions will have to be made as to what kind of people we shall choose to be in both the good and bad times. We have to set our hearts not to be scared by the rough seasons and not to be blinded by the great seasons. We have all met hurting people whose hurt was so deep and hidden they would be hurt by a complement because that is who they are, hurting.
True worth is not in where we are but in who we are in all life’s seasons. We shall realize that the power remains in us to define ourselves even at our lowest, even when society brands us as defeated. When we take hurt to heart, we shall soon realize that our walk will increasingly become hard and difficult.

Bitter Herbs:
The power of any medicine is not in its taste, but in its contents. When we choose to treat any loss of value, we choose to find those ingredients that will make up for what we have lost. We shall not set our gaze on what does not heal but on what we so desperately need. Courage will be needed if we are to walk through this treatment to our point of restoration, a willingness to abandon whatever sugar coats or shadows that have kept us worthless company.
The humbling realization of our fall must be made if we are to take the herbs with the purpose and diligence due.
We all want to spread our hands in the air of freedom and fly but we all need to realize that the engine is in the heart. When it’s broken, empty, mashed or simply imprisoned, there is really no need to spread those wings because we shall not soar.
We need to let every herb complete its work in us; we need to realize our true worth if we are to keep ourselves.

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