Thursday, July 31, 2008

God's Heart Bits

Let us start this article with a picture in our minds. Imagine a home where a father has two daughters. One has just turned seventeen and the other is just one year old. In the event that the children demand the father’s attention they receive it, but as they deserve. Now when the seventeen-year-old daughter comes to the dad and asks him for part of the family land to use it for faming the Fathers is happy because she is learning to think like him, to anticipate his desires as well. He gladly welcomes the idea and if possible, may finance the girl’s farming. Now, when the one-year-old cries, the Father picks her up and helps her get quiet and happy.

This analogy applies very much to our lives today. I have sat next to Christians who find much of their pleasure in being in the presence of God. What they actually mean by this is that they love being in the prayer room all the time. There is nothing wrong with this but we need to realize that God and His presence are not limited to a place or time. Experiencing God is not an event it is where we live all the time. The experience with God is a continual process. I love it when the God I subscribe to is one I can experience in my work as I can in the prayer room.

The experiences of God make a lot of sense when we do not limit them to just a place or moment. There is a lot of joy in knowing that God wants us to experience Him in the prayer room as well as in the boardroom. That is where the journey gets started, in the expectation of that experience, in acknowledging that we do not leave God in one place as we go out to do these other things that are expected of us. That is His heartbeat and the other mindset is just a bit of this heartbeat.

We need to realize that when God wanted children he sent His son to come and reconcile us to Him. The challenge that remains for many of the begotten children is that most of those children have persisted on being children. God presents us with opportunities to mature to son ship daily. these challenges come and help us develope the language of the Father and stand firm in His heartbeat.Every opportunity is aimed at creating partners to reign with Christ that is His heartbeat today. When David found an army of Israelites standing in fear for the insults of Goliath, the assumed his position as a son and partner with God.

That was not the time to cry to, God that was the time to speak the language of God. This is what we all have to realize, God’s heartbeat is complete in this time, and it comes with a language. The children of God need to acknowledge that God shares His heartbeat with all of them and that this is aimed at helping all of them mature to son-ship. Fear is not the language of God, neither is self-doubt or failure. As Christ reigns over pain, poverty, failure, agony and all those things that He defeated with the devil, He call for partners. Fellow kings in His kingdom that will agree to have dominion over these negativities and subdue them.

Maturity is a decision we all make. When a child chooses to cry all the time, they choose to remain a child. Some children like David have decided to speak what the Father would have said. It is not a game of words, it is the realization of responsibility. Son-ship in the kingdom of God is a responsibility that we only avoid when we choose to remain children

But how do we remain children?
The answers to this are quite many. First, we limit God to places and moments. There is a reason as to why Christians have maintained the practice of meeting for all these years and yet not many of them know why. We meet together continually to learn and to be trained. Listen, when a child is young they need time to grow, but like the first two daughters, every child should grow to a point of owning up responsibility. A newly born-again Christian is in need of maturity, not that there is something to come from outside him but that there is a lot that the new man has to subdue. The new man is born with the ingredients to walk this new walk but is put in a mind and body that have had an old pattern according to which he no longer walks.

That is why he has to be trained, so that he may dominate all this so that his soul too may attain a salvation by learning the new ways and actually obeying them. Therefore, we meet every Sunday to be trained and to be trained to reign with Christ.

That is the first step in bringing out this mindset that is of Christ. Realize that God has given us His very desires and calls us to walk into them. To answer the question again we remain children every time we find excuses and explanations for those things that put us down. Things like, sickness, pain, sorrow, poverty and the rest. Instead of finding excuses, we need to learn the language of the father concerning all these things.

Sons know the father’s heartbeat, they do not run from it, they do not box God in a place or moment, they enjoy Him totally at all times, they have mastered His language and they are partners with Him. So what are you, son or child?

Finally, I have to put this out. God is in need of sons and for that, He will do all things to bring that character to manifestation in them whether they want or resist. However, the children should own up sons-hip, respond to the heartbeat of God, and not just own bits of His heart. At your work place reign with Christ. It is not contests of just praying you need to pray and reign. Actually, I do not see how a Christian can ever stop praying. More on prayer will be in my other postings to come. Enjoy your journey as you let the desires of God become alive in you. Remember because we are on with Him, we have His desires and these only come to the surface as we pray and speak with Him.

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