There is a concept in the ancient tradition in old kingdoms that has remained relevant to this day. Republics have borrowed it, multinational and even marriages. In the olden kingdoms the kings had advisors people who were literally in charge of helping the king reign. They were in many ways supposed to make the king. To the make the king that we would have to know at the end of his reign. In other words they helped write his legacy down. When we look at the drummer we often admire their skill and gift. We really think of the drum and therefore the drum maker.
The beauty of the music is birthed right from the time when the maker is choosing the type of material to use. He makes the drum and therefore the music.
There have always been people in our lives that have helped us be who we are. They may not be our parents or relatives but people that come into our lives and they help us walk the path that we were destined to walk. They believe in us and help us in a way that lets us do the walking. But what happens when we are the people to make the others? What happens when we are the king makers? In those moments when we are the ones giving the support and being the cushion.
The position of a king maker as I will refer to it, is one that requires great controls. When we are called to walk besides a king we are called to look beyond the king, beyond the people we are. To be a king maker is a process that may many times see us with broken hearts and yet it is one that needs to be done with joy.
The Focus;
The focus of the kingmaker is on the kingdom. Its future, values, its past, its benefits, rewards and everything that spells the name of that kingdom. The focus is what drives the maker to keep making. They are focused at the vision of the kingdom. Every king has a kingdom and that kingdom has a vision, it has a place in the future, a desirable place. This simply means that the kingmaker that has no ability to look into the future of the king and the kingdom is not worthy of the job. However many times the king has the vision, he has seen and got to embrace the future, he even knows how to walk to the place but is in need of help. He is in need of one to hold the mantel with him to stand with him when he is losing vision and when he is strong.
The position of the kingmaker in this time is in believing with the king even when he doesn’t understand the direction the king is taking o stand with him.
There are however times when it seems to the kingmaker that the king is ignorant of the operations that are expected of him. The king in this case seems to be in want of learning. It is very tempting at this time for the kingmaker to assume the position of the king. He wants to lead in his stead because to him the king in unfit of the role. That he is not as fit as the maker would want him to be.
But part of the role of the kingmaker is to watch the king learn how to operate as a king. This point requires all the maturity the maker can muster. The father who taught his son to ride the bicycle by riding it is still riding that bicycle thirty years later. The one who did it by riding beside the son is seated in the back seat of the son’s car. In the same way the maker needs only to suggest and let the king experiment with the new knowledge. This is how he helps him walk into the kingship he inherited. To the maker the king and the kingdom are one. They are inseparable and he respects both in the same position.
But how do we deal with the temptation to take kingship up? We realize that by position we are not the king in the other king’s kingdom. The best we can do is helping the king reign in his kingdom the best way you have seen him able. Our satisfaction is not in seeing what we want done but in helping the king realize their desires because we believe they are meant to drive their kingdom closer to its destiny.
The King Grown;
But there comes a time when the king has learnt to reign in his kingdom. At that time it seems like we are not relevant to them. Many times our advice to them is not received as it once was. Because they are more interested in implementing what their hearts desire, we may mistake it for rejection. Don’t because soon you will be needed.
Every life is a kingdom and every person has the ability to reign as king if and only if they have Christ in their lives. The money and influence rearly indicate a reigning king if not with Christ. That success may come with a lot of pains and may soon be gone. But the kings in Christ will reign in this life, they will have the money and influence and yet they will retain their souls. A souls anchored in Christ is never lost.
The kingmaker ought to realise this reality and let the kings reign. True friends see with us and speak with us. They share with us our dreams and many times they are ready to stand aside and watch us live while they cheer on and give the direction required.
To all of yoou king maker, instead of putting your emotions ahead, try putting the king and his Kingdom ahead.Enjoy your journey of making kings and of being made kings in the process because you will realise that your kingdom is full of kings that require the making. When you help them be, you are reigning in your kingdom. But remember you too will have to be made.
Do you see the interconnection?
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