Sunday, January 10, 2010

This is my first blog this year, this decade and as such it will reflect my most recent observations.

Growth: Its amazing that even when we don’t invite growth, it comes to us. There is a great joy in noticing that growth and the force that it represents was involved in the affairs of our works, that our thoughts encountered growth, that the people and the things we have devoted ourselves are growing. It’s like looking at a child slowly transform into a teenager well knowing that some of the traits you now faintly observe are going to be major determinants of the kind of person they are going to be when they get there. Its watching a son engage in their first fight, or your daughter smile as you dance with them for the very first time and then in your heart you learn that which only a parent would learn: that its going to be alright, but that you also have to keep your eyes open. You see, we have given birth to much, ideas, friendships, marriages children, investments and much more. We will watch it growth.

Growth, if it’s going to be right, is worked upon.

Friendship: We have started friendships on the road, in church, with a smile and with a tear. We have been friends and will be. But I have noticed that at some point the people that we are friends to, stretch themselves out and touch our lives. We let them. The ones that love us will always show and we will know with that delicate part, with our hearts. Friendship grows and we with it. To share our lives with others is one of the most amazing things we can do as living beings and that friendship should be with purpose and direction, we should have it well defined in our motives and in our actions and have that clarity communicated to those that we share ourselves with.

Friends are forever, they keep us with them, and we should whether they do or forget to.
Love: God is love
Trust: Our relations are built on trust, or they should. When we devote ourselves to a person or a venture we need to trust. But having a lower trust before having the greater trust is useless. I have seen that to trust people, we need to trust God first, trust Him that it will be okay and that the valleys will not always mean that death has befallen us, but that we are still on the road to better. So when I trust, I trust God and the people I trust I only trust because I have trusted the one that has made them and has their destiny in knowledge.

All trust is useless if not in God first.

Choice: People make choices, the choice to love, the choice to hate, the choice to appreciate and the choice not to appreciate. So when someone chooses to hate me for some reason, they have made their choice and if there is a problem in that, it’s their problem and I have not reason being sad and angry for that. Again, why do I have to be flattered by the love of another, flattered out of reason? They have made a choice; I can appreciate it, but not out of reason. But I owe them a responsibility to the hurting and trouble, to pray for them and always live at peace with all.

The same applies to me.
Me: I am responsible for many things. I have noticed that because I am part of a greater body, my thoughts, words and actions do not only affect me but also that greater body. I watch all and I pray about them all. When I experience a lag in my watch, I realize that I owe it to the greater body to get back onto my feet and into line. Soldiers don’t just fall and stay down:

That body, the Church owes me the same responsibility.
Children: My children, they are part of me, they will always be and I love them.
As they grow I realize that a friendship earlier started goes a long way in solving the problems that many parents have found on their hands.

Life: We are all managers, managers of this thing called life. We make all the decisions a major manager make for a big corporation. We ought to watch what we hire, where we invest, what mergers we get into, who we lay off, and respect the One to Whom we report. At the AGM, we shall give accountability on all the fronts, who we hired, how we helped improve our staff, how we enabled our partners make the most of this venture, what social responsibility projects we engaged in all those other aspects that create a profitable, environment and accountable institution.

When we are in love with someone, we have a partnership, that should make a merger because its hard to have interests in a company that you have to complete access to however mutual your understanding may be, and it’s easier when you both have the same reporting standards to the same superiors.

Conclusions: There is no such thing as a conclusion. We only pause to begin later.
Good new decade.

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