Tuesday, February 22, 2011


When we make a mistake for the love of men or a cause, the mistake remains a mistake and love remains love. The question however is if the motive that led to the mistake remains valid and holding, if because we intended to do something for some reason and ended up making mistakes, we would want to do that again. Great plans, am told do most often fail or succeed because of execution. We have many times questioned the love in a correction, the purity in the best of intentions and why when we go out to achieve our goals, we often hurt people. We have craved for a moment when we could act as we pleased and when we could have our way without any hindrance. There is room for that spot in time and space, but not entirely. We are plagued as we are blessed by our humanness because while we crave for moments of personal dominance, moments when everything obeys and bows to us, we cannot really get there, its as if we are doomed by the need to work with others or through others.

The Error In Correction:

We have learnt that when error befalls us the world rises up to the occasion and corrects us, the world or nature and that the intention of any correction is to restore order. We have also often asked what restoration of order is and if it really matters to anyone what we want, whether it really matters how we shall eventually be affected by the correction process as long as we get to that desired order. We have also questioned the jurisdiction of order, how deep and wide and high and long it really is because in some orderly situations we have seen the most rapturous disorder emerge.

We have searched a bit deeper and found that order is in the minds of people, that when it is esteemed higher than the people whom it is intended for it seizes to be order but manipulation. We know that we all need order if we are going to achieve success to the measures that we want it. But we need to establish the order of the inside before we can get to the order of the outside. A man that has learnt to control his Spirit has managed to govern all.

Love Vs Mistakes

Love is never wrong because love is the highest level of honesty and purity we can get to. Love is without corruption and always is careful to do good. We have encountered deaths at the altar of love and have held many that drowned in that see. Some died for the love they held, and others died for the love that held them, a small group died for both. No mater the direction, love leads us in such great paths that we stand far above error and wrong. We may suffer pain and torture, we may bleed and break bones, but in love all is justified and okay.

In The Silence:

When we take a moment to consider what has befallen us, when we silently consider where we stand we shall realise that in wrong, we were given a moment to learn and to get better. That while we were labelled mistaken, we stood as lessons perhaps to those in the distant future who would later get to know of us. True the process of being corrected is one that throws us off balance, or at least shows us that we are way out of balance. To accept that requires a special control of our inside and while, we may be strong at all times, we are bound to look week in the presence of our correctors. Wisdom is not a state of mind but the quality of heart, wisdom is always present with us, when we heed to it.

My Apology:

While the corrector, the accuser and the teacher are all insensitive they are not to be blamed. People take different purposes in our lives depending on how we respond to them. There people that deny us the privilege to enjoy our rights because they are enjoying theirs; they claim that it is required and important to them. In short, we can see a bit of evil in all of us, and we can see lots of blessings in all of us. We have been extended the opportunity to get better, in the mistakes of love, the correction to order and all can be seen in the silence for both the giver and receiver. And on behalf of all of us, I am sorry because in the purity of our intentions, we have erred against our own nature and have wronged all.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Human Channel Part Two:


They used to put their bodies and minds to some meaningful work these humans. Then they built cities and roads, they encroached on our habitations but what resulted was pleasing to any eye, animal and human. Those were the sweet days when the rats reported that what was planned was actually attained and that all the humans benefited from the works supported by all their funding. The story has sort of changed today; there seem to be more lions there in the human world. They take what is meant for all and use it for them only and even in some cases kill those whom they are supposed to protect. We have also noted that the younger humans have become lazier, being useless to their communities and selves. I personally think that when they stepped from their original family life, they failed in everything. The young have not learnt to work and as such have become quite a nuisance to the extent that even when they get pick a permanent mate they result into burdens to each other as opposed to supports.


It was common in the past to see humans in complete devotion to a deity, we are not sure if its the same deity we acknowledge and teach our children to acknowledge each day but they used to. Then they built houses and they would gather and make sounds and say words. The spiders and mice are rumoured to have witnessed strange healings then and even experienced a power they defined as unworldly. That wounds were healed, anger faded and the demons that torment us seemed to be cast out under this power. What they say was strangest in that age is that they humans that seemed to gather in those houses exhibited a deep love for other humans and even talked to this deity about the needs of others, they say that their mates were happy and pleased with them and seemed to maintain only those mates all through time. We have reason to believe that the deity that is reason for all this is the same they talked to.


Through out time the humans have had to pick a leader. The spiders report that in some communities this leader was born, am sure we all will find this kind of difficult to believe, a natural born leader? But they did and while some of those leaders were like the lions of our time many still served to make their people happy and better than they found them. This has slowly dissolved onto leaders that have only their interests at heart. The rickets have reported over and over again of humans that have slain others so that they could keep themselves as the leaders. And you wonder why they would do this. Others are reported to be ignorant of even those they lead and while the led try to fight them out, its just as hard as fighting a lion.


They have a poor sense of this. They set targets basing on the position of the sun and miserably fail to meet them. Therefore, we need to inform all parents that in order to avoid such a perilous future we need to hold onto our animal instincts, some have been encroached upon by these humans and there some human behaviour we would never want to see in our little ones. Honour the family and the great deity that our parents have acknowledged from of old.

The Human Channel Part One

This occurred to me quite randomly, imagine if animals had a human channel where they observed human behaviour. These strange creatures have puzzled them for ages and finally their animal researchers, viz cows, cats, chicken, rats and any other domesticated animal have put their brains together and produced a program on Human Channel called the human life. The topics would go something like this:

Family Life;

The human family life is a strange concept. While we know that it is meant to be a male and female coming together to raise little humans we have began to see diversions in that arrangement. Initially, the older humans were in charge of talking among themselves about the marital matters of their young and though we are not very sure what their bases were, it seemed then that they matched their children with those from groups that held almost the same values as them. This concept was of old and we know little of it save for the fact that it yielded greater success than what we see today. It should be noted that humans are strange beings and that while they may all believe in a stable family, different groups approach this stability quite differently and different celebrations and deeds pre and proceed the union between the young male and female.

What we see today is a bit disturbing. It’s as if the humans have somewhat found some of our qualities admirable and even adopted some that we would never hold. The young have been left with the responsibility to pick their mates with little involvement of the older humans. But not many of them admire the old commitment they used to enjoy which we now have in common. They prefer to mate without any intention to be committed; even we here mate with the intention of prolonging our kind. It’s at this point that we warn all our young not to pursue this vile conduct, its exploitative and meaningless, it would live any being depleted and drained, surly we are called for a higher purpose.

The human family life no longer hinges on the support of the males and females. There are many reasons to explain this but for now all we know is that some females want to be like the males while many males have assumed the roles of the females. They have a strange term for this situation, they say its modernisation and that it’s the way of the future. We can delve deeper into the human life but from where we are, they are slowly moving from being dominant to being dominated. In fact the other day we learnt that they have laws to protect our little ones and many to destroy their own. They are a confusing kind these humans and you need to meet Professor Rat to tell you what they do in their own homes. Much of it is similar to what we do in our holes and in the wild, parents sleeping with children, mating with multiple partners and many more disgusting things.

For lack of space we would love to end this program at this point here and now. We shall be bringing you lots more of what the human life is like and while some of you will find several similarities, you will also see that they have assumed a position which is neither animal nor human.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Heart To Hurt

And yet why do we hurt ourselves, why do we do those things to others that end up hurting us? There are moments between living and that other choice so much coveted by many, when we find that in our hands is nothing, that while we have strived to get everything we have been left without. In that moment we stand to realise that we are and not will be, that who we are today, is who we shall be tomorrow, that the dirt that has found its way into our hearts, the glamour that we have added to our living, that altitudes upon which we stand all will never alter who we are. We stand to see and may be for the very first time, that we have a constant value and that while the eye and the ear may judge differently, the heart always knew.

Our pursuits can take us miles from home, our accomplishments may grant us positions with kings and all that could make it seem like we have been granted eternal change but we all know that we are who we shall and have been. So when an ambition or a desire, settles into our hearts it comes not only to inspire us but to direct us to where we have to be to where we are to stand. It’s as if we each are carriers of value, that our lives are boxes into which we are kept and that while at it, we have the responsibility to take us to those places.

We may find along our paths the showers of love, or the beauty of companionship, we may think that we are growing into something with someone and occasionally we may get the privilege of being held with the power of love but we should never forget who we are. The value of an individual could so easily be understood when we consider our own value. We have supported each other up steep climbs, we have looked out for each other in battle and we have not. There have been days when we have searched for ourselves and tried to understand us, but we have not found ourselves. We have even thought that we were a choice made by the choices we have made, that while we believed, we were ignorant.

To hide ourselves from others, it to hide from ourselves. The rivers of time have witnessed many that have sought to walk alone and have ignored all else only to empty their hearts into hurt. We have also witnessed others that were never aware of when to walk alone and never left their origins. We are held by the purposes that have been written on all our hearts and yet many times we have abandoned those writings for the blindness that kills. We have made decisions that have life long implications and have regretted the implications soon after that. Can there ever exist a time when we are free from hurting can we ever learn to live together as individuals?

I write not to give answers but to help me think, I pray you do to.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tear Drop

When did you last cry? We stand surrounded by floods of tears, some drowning hearts and some feeding the vipers that kill most of us. When the sun rises in the morning, it’s like our hearts are opening to a new chapter, a new chapter of the same plague we sought to hide from in our sleep. The pain in the hearts of men is one with their very being; we cannot talk of one and ignore the other. But all this may make you think that life has nothing good to offer and yet still I ask when did you last cry?

Why did you cry then? The things that touch our hearts serve to not only define our interests but our very being as well. Crying like laughing are the expressions of the heart, the language of the heart to the outside world and when we touch either we relate with our hearts. Men have perfected the act of living as if they were only individual beings separated from everything else. The people we have entrusted with the leadership of many have failed to lead the many into their imagined destiny and when you ask well, they too have failed to lead themselves to where they thought they were heading.

There is a multitude of reasons to pick from if we are going to cry, from our leadership to our very choices. We have defined ourselves less by what we have chosen to do and more by what we ignored to do. When we were presented with both the right and wrong choices we more often chose the wrong one and even our attempts to clean the results failed because we lacked the will to do that which was right. We often question how a good meaning individual went so wrong and we never bother to know what his true intentions were in the first place.

When we lack intentions for our own selves, we should not expect to find any for another. And while we build our personal intentions we need to take the time to intend something for those others. The miracle of leadership has on many occasions been granted to an individual that intended well and much for themselves that they ignored everyone else, that they compress the whole world to themselves. And that is why they firstly desired to satisfy their intention first only to discover that they stand in so big a place they cannot fill it. The result is that they have built images so large in the bid to fill the large space that was supposed to be for the majority. The leader that has learnt to think for the led has not had to struggle to build and image of self importance and unnecessary hugeness; they knew that all along they stood with the people that they led.

This is the poison that has killed our society today, the leader have not learnt to see themselves as one with the people they lead and it has seemed to them that the leadership they hold has been thrown upon them by accident. They have sought to serve themselves and because there was little about them to serve standing from a position of leadership, they resorted to building bigger than life images, another blander.

And they have not been alone, we who have cried have silently have also waited for an opportunity and when that came, we did as those that made us cry.

When did you cry last? I think we need not to cry but realise that we have at our hands children to raise in the ways that we did not learn. And when I think of it, that could be the only reason we should cry, that we have the great responsibility to make tomorrow different from what today has been even when we have to create that change in the present environment and with the same traditions.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pencils And Sticks

This never gets easier, when we stand at the banks of a river and write the closest of secrets that we have, we are certain that we are writing them for just a moment. But at least we have tried to expose our hearts to the open. And when we sit in the safety of our rooms and write in our journals, the same secrets, we are sure that we have written them for a lifetime and that even though we exposed our hearts to hide them again, we have helped paint them out. The question then is, shall we expose to all for a moment, or to none for a lifetime?

That is what we are, individuals writing. When we see a family sharing a moment of laughter, some wonder how any family could afford the lightness of heart that could lead to that, while others will simply be reminded of the many light moments they have held. There are a many moments in our lives when we are writing on the sand and a many more still when we are writing in our dairies but when we write on the hearts of men, we write in neither places and our writings do not make us pencils or sticks, they simply make us eternal.

Forever is written in the hearts of men and when we make inscriptions on their hearts, we make many more on our own hearts and while we let others live on in us, we allow ourselves to live on in them. Time has never bound a man whose aim was to live in the lives of others and it will not start now.

The plague of our time is that we are so scared to write on the hearts of others, because in doing so we write on our own. And it is still not clear whether we scare ourselves in writing to ourselves or we are scared of being seen by those others writing. Living is meant to be a beautiful thing, one that does not only reward but that also adds beauty to those that choose it over everything else and yet many of us want to create the beauty before we can eventually live.

In our hands we have the ability to hold pencils and sticks and in people we have both the river banks and the diaries and of course that other option. When we wait for beauty to be given first before we can live, we are robbing our lives of the grace that comes with living first. When we love because of what we are getting, we deny ourselves the beauty that comes when we love whole heartedly, when we watch Love add to us, to those that loved.

The many tasks that call for our attention leave us with but very few options to devote our hearts to what truly matters. We set to achieve all our ambitions and many times in the bid to do that, we trample many and ignore several, but in all our living, we are writing, and while some have opted to keep their writings to themselves, we can never truly escape the need to write.