The blind man see more clearly that any other. There is a popular belief among humans that the standard for right rests with us. We are each privileged with a small window of choice and not just choice, but the definition of the boundaries for choice. Our years of existence bring us closer to the enjoyment of this privilege and our hearts learn to crave, almost lust after it. Its very corrupting, this instinct to set the boundaries for ourselves. We are like beings treading this road called life and regardless of what we have been taught we each experiment with the power that creates the signposts to be followed.
We have found many times that in the dark our shadows come to life; we try to flee only to find that all our powers mustered just draw us into our very shadows. The night becomes a walk in the dark where we are haunted from with in. The place of rest turns into the desert of great distress and we soon get used to all that is wrapped in there. This fearsome journey lives with us, grows faster than we do and most certainly covers more of us with each passing moment.
Light, however, has a different power over all of us. In it we find that we are each light, ready to hug and be hugged, more determined to live away from what is already with in us. It’s as if we have several portions of us and each has a moment of manifestation. Yes in the light we are not compelled to run or even hide, there we are as we are seen; individuals with a life and the only shadows that can be seen are those that are cast by and in the power of the light, or so we want to believe.
The transpose to the dark is what makes us different for in the dark we are all more righteous, more correct and more alive. In the dark we are who we really want to be, all the disciplines of restraint and control are abandoned as we live into who we truly are as we respond to all our feelings and our intentions are not confused with what is noble and what is not. There we abandon all conflict and all conflict abandons us, its like we see the truth in its nakedness because we are also naked to that truth; none is compelled to cover up. We are absorbed into our shadows and we are not afraid of them, what was two had become one and we can clearly and completely define ourselves. To touch is to hold and to own is to be.
Then the light comes in, and while we have hidden our shadows in ourselves, we notice a difference in us; it’s a discomfort that makes us regret our moment of utter freedom in the dark. Then some long to go back in the dark, others loath the light for exposing the shadows so well hidden and casting shame and guilt, where was freedom in pleasure.
We touch the truth in its small places, only in the places that will allow us to enjoy the freedom in the dark. We start out with a fight against the dark and soon join its camp, we then set the boundaries afresh, and large enough to allow us enjoy those pleasures. And when we meet with the light, in the fullness of the truth, we front only that which is permitted, what we crave and lust after, we keep protectively like an infant. To embrace the truth in its fullness, to keep the fight on at all times, to allow ourselves moments of vulnerability in the front of others, could be the rope out of the dark and its pleasures that so easily ensnare us.