Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Specks and Logs:

The concept of judgement has always been a delicate one, the questions that accompany it range from who we are to what is right and what is wrong. But we have all been presented with opportunities where to say that something or someone is wrong was as easy as breathing. We have met people whose inconsideration of others made us question their maturity. The road to being perfect is a very long one, and daily we walk that road or at least we would love to believe. We aspire to be better and yes we even think that we are already better than many but in that very thought is the broken bone that hampers our movement to a better us.

There is a delicate line, upon which we find the accuracy of judgment on that line, and if we ever get to it, all the judgement that we make makes perfect sense and is indeed with justice and accuracy. There we build and re-construct morals and entire societies and yes we remain right. But that line, thin as it is, is an entire world of freedoms, freedoms such as have always enabled us to do what is right, to correct without fear or favour and to move with confidence into a future not yet perceived by the human eye. While we beg to excuse ourselves from that line, in reality it goes right through each one of us, like a strong and soft thread that holds us all together, reminding us that we are human and that as such we need to keep in line.

There are a few of us that have erred from this string so much that they are bound by another. They are children of lawlessness and they have been blinded to the truth of judgment. They are part of societies to which they do not belong. While we share with them the commonness of sense, they would rather hide and be buried in the piles of their folly. And we may not be able to dig them out of them, because their willingness to rise above the debris of their own destruction is inexistent. The pain that comes with watching such destruction thrive in our societies should serve to point to the societal need to get better as a whole by bettering the individuals in that society.

We should never give up on ourselves. The best judgment should be of ourselves, the more that we practice judgement of self, the better we shall see the specks in the eyes of others and logs in ours. We need to remember that the obligation to clean up and be better starts with us, and that we are all obliged to help us be better. We shall never surely stand as the better person until we know that the people in our lives have been helped to be better than us. And every time we find them dropping below our better selves, we need to hold our judgment of them at bay and finalise with that that pertains to us.

We get better by helping others get better and the purpose of our judgement should be to make those others better indeed. And to step upon and into that thin line , we need to have conquered ourselves first and committed to doing so continually.

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