Monday, June 1, 2009

The Fires.

While watching the movie, Fire Proof, I was fascinated by one particular scene. The fire man while trapped by a fire in a house muttered a prayer to God, ‘Lord get us out of here.’ At that point some of us would have expected this loving God to send the fire man a rope a carry him away but no, not this God. What happens is that the fire man sees a soft spot and begins to cut through the floor with his axe. The long story short, under immense pressure he manages to get both him and the girl out of danger.

That picture made me think about a lot of situations in our lives where we pray and wait for either our death or the rope that God ‘should’ send us. The circumstances of our lives are flooded with opportunities presented by a God who wants us to rely on Him even when it seems that we have put the best of our efforts. He is eager to write the story of our lives but more eager to have us involved.

Each day we are presented with opportunities to create with God, to do and put our very best without compromising on our trust and reliance on this Loving God. When the fire catches we often tell ourselves to stand and know that He is God. What we understand and do is that God wants total inactivity from us and that He is sending an army of Angel bankers or otherwise to our rescue.

What He actually means is that fear not and know that I am God, in all you are going through do not despair. But if you see nothing else to do, nothing else helpful, rest and know that I am working for you, making all nature, time and creation respond to your need and expectation. However if you see something helpful to do, do it in the rest I have given, knowing that you will not perish and that you are moving to your victory.

So see with me that instead of crying about your problems and fires, you can sing that word of God to them and be sure that you are a victor and more than conqueror. Life was meant to be lived and not fought against. This war fare is not for those who are helpless but for those who are helpful. We are never without help. When the fire closes in ,be sure to see God work to make you the hero.