Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Beautiful Person:

Human relations grow through several stages. At each stage, we manifest ourselves a little more and with each manifestation comes or should come a better appreciation of who we are and some level of expectations or demands. Often times the failure of the human relationship is because to person involved fail to grow together through the different stages of the human relationship. One feels that they are cheated while the other feels that a lot more demand is being put upon them.
In Person:
When we first meet a person, all we see is what is left for us to see and devour. At this stage the only luxury we have is that the person can be present to perform whatever function we have for them to perform. There is little obligation to gain more about this person and even less to let them know us. We simply do what brings us together hoping to get on with our lives later.
There is no commitment apart from that which comes easily to us. We may share time, resources, efforts even presence but nothing should be expected of us apart from what we choose to freely and easily give.
In Thought:
Then comes that phone call that says I have been thinking about you. Over the years, humans have perfected the art of talking or even communicating without telling exactly what they think. It is as if we assemble words and carefully use them to hide our personal thoughts from those others we think are not worthy of that sharing.
Our thoughts are closely related to what we believe they can easily be interpreted to tell what kind of persons we are. Sharing thoughts however is an advanced stage in human interaction. Many employers, spouses, friends will appreciate a person who is thoughtful and one whose mind is into the relationship. We see a lot of the person from the thoughts they put into a particular relationship. It is as if they start to expose themselves to us by letting us know the state of their minds.
At this stage some expectations are created and
In Heart:
Most of us follow our hearts, whether we see it or not. Sometimes our hearts are driven by fear and sometimes by faith, no matter the driver, the heart will always lead us to where it sees fit. To see a person at heart level is to see them completely. When we begin to risk our hearts, we start to live completely.
When people begin to share their hearts, they also begin to share themselves completely with those others with whom they interact. At this level we are more committed and willing to commit, we are more reassuring and in need of reassurance ourselves from those others.
When hearts interact, commitment is implied and certain expectations are created. This is why some relationships were only meant to be heart level relationships. When a man marries a woman he loves, he should expect that the heart is going to be shared, not just his person or thoughts, but the heart too.
Often times we miss out on the beauty of a person because we did not synchronize our levels of relationship and as such did not bother to meet the commitment expectations involved.
We should purpose to see people at the heart level because there is where we shall see them completely and more reassuringly. 

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