Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Old Kiss

Stories are told of men that once walked long journeys of varied adventures and that the end of those adventures was not really victory but Love. It would shock many of us that the road to love was war, violent war. We are beings of varied writings, our best scriptures on in the hearts of men, lives. We embark on this journey with nothing but our hearts and limbs. The man that has learnt to see and hear with his heart has mastered living.

There will be days when the writing will be painful, moments when what we held and adored has turned against us, but when we have learnt to see and heart from the heart, we have taught ourselves to kiss both last and always. There is purity in the eye that loves certain gentleness in the hug of affection. It makes shame, necessary and without embarrassment.

This is living, to commit, to tell ourselves that there is a road worth embarking on and that even when our strength is weak and our focus is lost, we reserve ourselves for such a time when we shall rightly embark on that journey. When we start off on a task, when we start a new relationship, when we encourage a friendship or partnership to form, do we realise the amount of responsibility we heave upon ourselves, do we realise the beauty with which we cover ourselves, do we realise the beauty, the purity on the inside of us flowing to the outside?

I have learnt that when we make these new journeys we make very little notice of the fact that soon and almost always we shall be swayed away. We rarely realise that while standing here, the beauty with which we have covered ourselves requires us to look into the distant future and organise today to fit into not only that distant future, but even a desired distant future. We rarely realise that there will be days of great company, and many of thin loneliness and that in both days our character and quality will be both weighed and tested.

In our hands lies not the energy ,but its ability to hold today’s affairs and tomorrows ambitions. In our hearts lies the wisdom that the most valuable matters will be added to us in this course and that while we desire to be understood, we shall not always both by them and us. That each life is a measure of another, both its glory and imperfection should always serve to make us more forgiving and loving. We have seen that like time, life grows, and that as time has passed all its age into the objects it covers, life has transferred its responsibility to grow into us. We are the reason for a better life, and yet many times we chose worse. That while we have placed laws to protect unborn elephants, we need to have a bit of more regard for ourselves.

To the ones we have committed, we should make this journey a memorable one. If we ever find ourselves alone we should realise that we have left some cold and in need of our covering. And now as I conclude this I realise how random my thoughts have been today. In us lies all the world and the power to create it is at hand. We shall kiss life again, and life will kiss us back, we are the ones doing it for the first time, and my guess is that we better learn from the old kissing of life. To live perfectly is far from living without mistakes, it’s more to live while learning, to stay in will and purposes of God. The mistakes ought not to get to your hearts and when they do; we need to have them cleansed. That is not a natural act and the grace to have it done, is always at hand.

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