Monday, January 24, 2011


The art of crossing roads, especially the busy roads of our big cities relates very much with many aspects of life as many of us experience it. And perhaps we could do better in life if we did better at that road or at the point when we are crossing roads. There is a world of wealth embedded in a moment, in a decision made in the right moment.

The Road:

We know that roads lead to a particular destination or any varies number of them. As such when we meet people on a certain road we narrow our assumptions of where they may be going to those few where the road leads, but then there are roads that lead to other roads and because of that, they make it hard for us to ascertain exactly where the people we find on them may be going. Such is life, we all have to choose our roads, and we each need to know at what exact destination we shall have to arrive from the many that the road offers. But even better still, we need to allow ourselves to be open to the fact that the road we have led can as well lead us to many other places. We each have a choice, even when we find ourselves on a road we did not choose, we still can determine when to get off of it, or what other roads to join. The mistake is to assume that we are limited by our circumstances and there by cripple ourselves. The other mistake is to assume that since the road is already chosen for us, we are to go the whole mile to where it leads. Those are mistakes we can all avoid by just reviewing something we do always. We are never completely deprived of the freedom to choose.

The Broken Road:

This is very hard to travel by night and tedious by day. We try to think that after all we have a road and that is better than nothing but that is not the whole deal. Some of our decisions will find us broken, some times the destination we want to arrive to may be with no connection with where we stand today. At all times we shall have this road and we shall expect to get to the desired destination. Some give up, some endure the road, the fact that it slows them down and the fact that they may suffer some sort of pain. The heroes for me are the people that get the aspiration to make the road better, not just for themselves but for those that will come after them. These have encountered brokenness and the pain that comes with it, and still they remain, or even regain the energy to move forward and make better.

The Busy Road:

The road always clears. I was told by a wise friend of mine that the road no matter how busy will always clear and we all shall have a chance to cross over. Many will wait for the chance of clarity to visit while a minority will most likely force their way through, stealing moments of laziness on the side of the driver and taking advantage of the holes in the road to achieve their end. None of these is truly the better hero. To me, the ones that listen to their hearts, the people that know when to put themselves in trouble and when not to, are the ones that take the time to realise when there time is and then use the moment to benefit from it.

The Congestion:

Some times it seems like we have no where to place our feet, the people and the traffic are just too much. Then it occurs to some that instead of stepping in that heat and congestion, they would rather stay in the comfort of there homes. The truth is, we are all pilgrims, to a journey and until we step on the road, we shall never truly know which corners were worth it and which were not, we shall never discover what our journey was, and how many people had small destinations at the stretch of our hands, or sound of our voices. That is the road, it does not just lead to a destination, it leads to a journey and we are all being waited upon to step on the road to our journey. Only when we allow ourselves to be, shall we achieve this.

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